I thought my adventures in 1994

was noteworthy:

graduating college the same week Kurt Cobain died, flying home from Sweden the same day OJ’s Ford Bronco was trying to Escape…

But I didn’t grow up in LA, or had worked at Spin like John, who

once watched Madonna perform

her “Holiday” grunge-style at

her own house for a Halloween party.

I can’t help feeling a bit nostalgic

about twenty years ago,

when one can listen to world music

at record stores’ listening stations,

and can dance shamelessly with

huge headphones on, for an entire afternoon, or after the late-night movie,

and when everyone had only

answering machines,

and could disappear for whole

days if they wanted to,

and 2 hot dogs cost $1.00.

Explaining the ’90s to Millennials is exhausting.

Princess Di was a major treasure!

I’m in my mid-40’s now.

I need a nap after drinking two beers, and I still sway whenever grunge music plays on the radio.

Sent from my iPhone

Overcast at dinner,
they all continued dancing

out in the yard

where the folk music played

and the totem pole bloomed,

their makeshift crowns blooming.
We forgot to drink tonight;

I would had danced with them.
The rain fell soft and cool;

meatballs with savory sour cream

and lingonberry jam

warmed my palate;

the waffles were too 

textually soft today
I’d flashback to my trip at 22

when I drank vodka with my cousins

in Vaxholm every day;

(I should had got some sex but didn’t);

I missed Midsommar over there,

I was on a ferry to Finland,

I missed the festivities and the hedonistic carryings-on,

my grandparents wanted to see Finland.
I’m here and not 22.

It’s a love-in 

as my NY Jewish friend says,

complete with beautiful 

fiddle players in folk dress.
We walked in Battery Park

seeing the sights:

the Clinton Castle,

the Stained Glass carousel,

the Globe that was on

the Twin Tower
It was pouring 

by the time we reached

the South Ferry station;

we entered the 1

on automated raised steps

in the humid platform.
Sunset still had an hour to go

but we had to go,

and the rain hasn’t stopped yet.

It’s not so unusual
that one-year-old boys

still in strollers in subways,

become so enamored & obsessed

with their own face,

a picture of them, frozen

on their mother’s smartphone, 
Then they see you and hum with delight,

like any young man would. 
Nor is it too strange

for an older young man (20s or so)

to glide on his skateboard

towards Astor Place,

wearing a full-body Spiderman cosplay suit

in over 80-degree weather;

his girl, who walks behind him for support,

wears a black t-shirt with all 

the famous bearded Duck Dynasty stars

smiling pensively, all in a row,

as she walks along with her Spidey,

her long, fizzy, hair flying. 
Outside of Van Leeuwen’s,

another lady, who’s not so happy,

as if she was a fallen amine hero 

defeated at the Battle of the Moon;

her hair straightened and dyed

first platinum then baby girl pink,

her eyes closed by perfectly straight lines,

just horizontal, no curve there, no black pencil,

she walks past, wishing she was invisible—
No one can be invisible or unnoticed here,

even in old age, we all take up space

when the young kids leave home,

milling from E 7th Street

to 1st Ave.,

they are too busy gawking at the

Cooper Union

to stop to have tea with me….
No, it’s not so strange 

to see these things

in the East Village.

This is New York, after all. 

Caught in the crosstown crawl towards Queens,

the cars suddenly become like ships in my fertile mind,

as the mammoths tow and sway slightly under the lights,

curving, straight-ahead, without crashing,

hovering at a snail’s pace, shimmering under the

golden light of the East, fog burning off the sky;

the storm is coming, salt is in the air.

Muscled men in striped, short-sleeved shirts,

singing “O solo mio”, are not necessary

to rev up the engine; my own engine  is still running fine

& I need to escape this traffic.
This bliss may begin

in the next two weeks during vacation,

but, in this New York minute,

can it also begin

now, & here?

Mother Nature is not usually vindictive towards men,

except when she bows out of the way for storms.

Maybe she was written out of the plan for land domination

when the sea and the wind chose to combine forces.

Harvey did have a score to settle with his big sister Katrina:

If she can do it, I can too…

What was he trying to prove, this mad tropical storm,

that he was the bigger man?

Like the rest of the named hurricanes, he didn’t care

about lives lost, properties destroyed, families uprooted,

land waterlogged, changing the fabric

of the Texas & Louisiana shorelines forever.

His destruction tendencies, shown in hundreds of miles,

his crowning achievements, his wrath upon innocent humans,

was nothing but a blip on radar,

a bloody feather in his cap,

an aged diamond drowned in the deep.

The forest holds slim-picked animals 

(for money)

even for one family 

when all the children are starving.
Each brother is hungry 

for his own section of fresh meat

from the same animal,

bleeding fast & profusely 

upon the green
Will they divide 

their shared kill evenly?

Or will they sharpen their blades

against their own flesh,

so to gain a higher tribute 

from the elders?
If one has to face the ones they love,

those growing distant over time,

and their taste of water is now 

different from where 

they came from,

coloring their tongues in new

traces of metal,

so they talk and taste 

so different now…
Remember the love you had shared,

and don’t let the new blood

grow cold, thanks to

your indifferences.
Let your armor be of leather,

not of metal.

Let your gloves be velvet,

your arrows be sharp & sound,

let them fly true.
But don’t produce wounds

that can never ever be healed,

for they are also your blood.

The worst of blows

will cause pain to radiate forever.
Be careful what you do & say.

Sometimes the best offensive move

is to do nothing.

Does it fit oddly
like knives piercing
in your gut, 
only in odd moments 
where liquor is abundant,
and when hormones 
cause you to weep
over adorable children,
yet again?

 Or it is constantly moving
like the thinnest, tiniest 
Möbius strip, 
only you can see or touch?

 It will age you prematurely,
pickle you in bitter brine,
make you holler & whine
during odd moments 
when you look 
your best or worst

  The curse of comparing yourself 
against others, without compassion 
towards one’s self, is exhausting,
so why is the drama of it intoxicating?

 I have things I am proud of,
but they haven’t come by easy.

I can carve words from imaginary oceans,
but my messages are only heard by a few people,
the ones that swim freely
without university influence
(in composing)
and people don’t like complainers,
but I’m not really complaining…

Even in my destitute state,
creative musings are rich in my mind;
they taste sweet as golden candy,
as the stars feel ecstatic,
my moods elastic 
between every time I’m kissed.

You can celebrate anything you want.
Amen, Amen, Amen;
this is most certainly true,
and at any time you want as well.
You can penetrate any place you go,
just remember where’s it been
and where you are going…to put it…  
You can radiate everything you are.
Are we all capable of forming such positive energy always?
Or, will the energy we give off
sometimes seems more nuclear?
You can imitate any one you know,
but hopefully it won’t be for forever,
because you are far too luscious
to be like anyone else.
You can indicate everything that you see.
That is the writer’s predicament,
knowing what elements to accurately describe for the reader
and when to lie outright, for the sake of a good story.
You can syndicate every boat you row;
sailing alone is possible,
but without the efforts of a dedicated crew,
reaching shore again might be impossible.


Good deeds can indeed punish the body;

baking sweets threw out my lower back

until I was bowlegged on my birthday

The ripple of pain was constant while walking.

I still had to be a wife even on drugs.

The Menorah Ripple doughnut masterpiece

waited for us in Chelsea on Wednesday,

when the pain was the worst.

(Why did he need me to come along?

Can he do anything without me?)

Free chairs, hot chocolate & Aleve

were my closest friends,

especially when my frienemy, the pain

was rippling away, like a serpent

electrocuted, traveling up & down my legs.

In the taxi, he rattled away

with the huge doughnut package on his lap;

I slept a little, with his words

rippling away; I wish I was

a million miles away….

Today, I stood up straight

and marched slowly/briskly up the hill

and down corridors in the subway.

Thanks to the tail end of Aleve

and my meditation exercise,

that taught me to embrace all discomforts,

and the sack of goodies

(the co-worker gifts which gave me this in the first place),

I returned to work, unaided,

as the rippling pain

turned into a dull groan;

I’ll see the doctor tomorrow.

This is for me today

This eve, or penultimate day
before the winter solstice,
I captured the setting sun
with my sight while on the 7

And the looming buildings 
of Manhattan were black as pitch;
the sun was golden,
cutting through the matter

As we rode by on the elevated train,
I thought I would never see
this light ever again this winter,
but it was all mine, for a moment, again…

I see you standing close,
watching the dying light with me,
even when, like the dark, faraway figures
were also just a dream

When we weren’t dying,
we were free, after the snow
& the coldness would show 
off all traces of crying

I was stronger then, before you.
I am still strong, even when I do remember you,
& while this is my most favorite
part of the day,
the sunset does reminds me of you.